Wednesday 31 December 2014



 The Power Of Words.

My interest, when reading blogs and articles, is firmly fixed in the arts & culure, education, history and politics sections. But this blog is a journey of discovery into the world of cyberspace; of clouds and digital, virtual worlds. So my focus has been on finding out as much as I can about technology in 21st century education. If you trawl through the maze of educational 'stuff' on the Internet for long enough, you can find some really informative websites and articles.I have read so many interesting blogs lately and have found some excellent sources..I did therefore want to review a blog that had something to do with technology; an obvious theme, and there are many - but instead , I came across this. I found it via The Guardian. (I was browsing through the archives in the education and politics section) It's not about technology, but it is about education. It's a great blog by David Crystal "ON DUMBING UP" and I strongly urge you to follow the link at the end of this post, and read it.

There was huge outcry and widespread media coverage reporting accusations of 'dumbing down' A-levels, after the news that Caitlin Moran's twitter feed, and the language of celebrities like Dizzee Rascal,Russell Brand and Jeremy Paxman, will now be studied as part of a new A-level English language and literature syllabus.

David Crystal's blog is a MUST READ. He's a linguistics lecturer, writer and public speaker, and he responds so excellently and so eloquently to the media cover accusations. It's a very powerful blog, yet it is subtle, and his words fizz with conviction and wisdom. He explains why an interview with Dizzee Rascal as a topic of study, belongs alongside classical literature on the A- level English language and literature syllabus.

He writes: " The press juxtaposes Russell Brand and Shakespeare, and calls the process a dumbing down. But we appreciate Shakespeare, by contrasting him to non-Shakespeare - both in his time and afterwards."

" We appreciate literature by contrasting it to non-literature. The process can be unconscious - it usually is - but is enhanced when made conscious, which is what A-level courses are all about. It is enabling students to develop a more sophisticated understanding of the language of literature. It is not dumbing down. It is actually dumbing up."

Follow the link to read the rest of David Crystal's Blog . It's wonderful and everyone should read it, if only to appreciate the power and the beauty of the written word - the power of language and reasoned argument.

Check out these other great blogs and websites too:

David Hopkins - Technology and Enhanced Learning          


100 Best Tools


Tuesday 16 December 2014



Prezi is a whole new concept on the take of visual aids. It is a presentation software and storytelling tool that allows the user to create and present ideas on
a large, blank, unlimited, virtual canvas. It allows you to make colourful, informative presentations that bear almost no relation to the traditional, slide by slide approach taken by PowerPoint.It is free (for the most basic version) and takes just seconds to sign up.

Like PowerPoint, Prezi lets you seamlessly integrate images, text, videos, animations, and sounds - but in a non linear way.It is interactive and collaborative. This creates a more dynamic and engaging visual experience, as opposed to the boring lists and bullet points that we (all too often) have to endure with PowerPoint. However, there are not the same integrated tools that PowerPoint has, such as graphs and flow charts. Other images have to be created outside of Prezi and brought in.

                                        This is how it works..

This is what you can do with's great!


1. ZOOM - Prezi's unique differentiation is it's zoom function. This allows the user to simply click the background with the mouse and the presentation zooms out to an overview, then you can zoom back in to any area you please. It allows you to explore ideas,places; smoothly and naturally. In other words, if you want to 'zoom in' for emphasis you can. If you want more detail, you can zoom in deeper, and then once you're in a specific area, you can change, or introduce connecting images or ideas, then 'pan' to expand on that idea or gain more detail.

2.Non Linear and Interactive - allows the user to choose his/her own paths. Users can jump in and out with ideas and are given more flexibility when presenting their ideas.

3. Collaborative - can share presentations online with up to 10 people. This makes working on group projects easy.


1. Limited Design Options - limited backgrounds to choose from and each has pre-chosen fonts and colours that can't be changed.

2. Cost - Only the basic version is free. There is a student discount version provided online, but this still offers limited file space and storage.

3. Dizziness - It's easy to over zoom the function. Too much zooming and turning and panning, can make your audience feel dizzy...detracting from the message you want to deliver.

4. Learning Curve - whilst Prezi is fairly simple, it does take a little bit of getting used to if you are not very creative or design orientated. The software is easy to learn, but non designers may need to practise.


Well it seems clear that which ever you choose, the important thing is to put some thought into it, and select the one that will deliver your message most effectively. For the best results, you need to continuously practise your presentation skills, ensuring that you are providing a stimulating and engaging presentation. Both Prezi and PowerPoint have their place. PowerPoint has it's advantages for illustrating flow charts, graphs and simple facts, while Prezi has it's benefits if you want to create a more interactive presentation.

Whatever tool you select, take the time to master it, and use it to create dazzling, rather than dull, presentations. The other important point to make is that if your story or content is poor, then neither tool will help you.They are just tools. Whichever you choose, it will only add value to your presentation if it effectively helps to deliver your message. If you have strong content and want to express complex ideas that are simply linked to your message with memorable visuals, then these tools will help you do that.

If you have limited time, and need to display ideas, facts and figures in a simple way, then stick to PowerPoint. However, if you want to create an interactive experience for your audience with a strong 'WOW' factor, you might consider Prezi.

The biggest problem it seems with PowerPoint, is that users generally fail to, or don't understand how to create fun or dynamic presentations with it. It's not PowerPoint that is the problem, but the presenter who has created it. Most of us, including myself (and my students), equate PowerPoint with tired bullet points and cheesy clipart because that is what we generally get. This BORING format is what gives PowerPoint a bad press, and teachers a bad reputation.If used creatively and to it's full potential, PowerPoint can be an effective, dynamic, and informative learning tool.

Design secrets can easily be learned though. To unlock the true potential of PowerPoint, and design exciting, persuasive and engaging slides that will get your students attention, there are a number of books and websites that give great tips and resources.


Garr Reynolds: Top Ten Slide Tips

Presentation Tips To Wow Your Audience.

Presentation Panda: Slides Made Simple (ebook)

Monday 15 December 2014


                       POWERPOINT  or  PREZI

This blog will be written in two parts. Part one will look at PowerPoint. Part two will look at Prezi.

It may seem like a simple accomplishment, and nothing to jump up and down about, but to me, mastering PowerPoint and giving my very first presentation with it, was a real milestone on my technological journey.  I was convinced that it was so complicated, that I would never understand it in a million years. I was terrified too, of the prospect of 'having' to learn it - but guess what.. it was easy! I'm starting to realise that my fear of technology is more to do with my attitude and preconceptions; my age and my background, and fear of the unknown, rather than my ability to learn new things. I must reiterate once again: Technology isn't hard; change is hard.

So imagine how delighted, (and surprised) I am with myself, that I should now be sitting here writing a blog discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using either Prezi or PowerPoint! (Ooooo err! Get ME!)

Talking to my students, they tell me that PowerPoint is overused in the classroom ( I agree), and (dare I say?), "BORING" (their words, not mine - but I also agree). When "Oh no, not another PowerPoint to sit through", becomes a common reaction, then it's time to question whether it is being effective. This surely means that teachers are not using it creatively enough and not for the right reasons. A presentational tool should be used for just that, presenting information...but not as a bandage or a lazy alternative to providing real stimulus for learning. I must admit, that nearly all PowerPoint presentations I have ever had to sit through (I'm sure that some were effective, I just can't remember which ones) have been dull and pretty uninspiring.None have been memorable. Also, there are far too many of them. I can't think of many classes or meetings I've been to, when the PowerPoint wasn't used. It's relentless.

In a teaching and learning environment, there is a danger of simply using PowerPoint as a prop; a prompt as to what will come next. Very helpful for the teacher, but not for the student if it has been poorly designed or put together. It is teacher centred though, as it relies utterly on the teacher's input. PowerPoint is a visual stimulus; it demands creativity, and in it's defence, it does allow for that creativity to take place.Unless teachers are creative with that medium, with the way they deliver information, then the PowerPoint is boring, ineffective and completely pointless. That's not because it's a bad tool, it's because of ineffectual and lazy teaching. 

Garr Reynolds writes an interesting blog (Presentation Zen) on presentational design. In this one he responds to an article published by The Sydney Morning Herald, entitled, Is It Time To Ditch PowerPoint? The article highlights findings by researchers from the University of New South Wales, in particular, John Sweller, who developed The Cognitive Load Theory in the 80's.

Check it out:

In his blog, Garr assumes that what Dr Sweller means is, that the way PowerPoint is used should be ditched, not the tool itself.

Richard Mayer, author of Multimedia Learning makes a good point. He says,

" I do not think it makes sense to refer to PowerPoint as a method. Instead... PowerPoint is a medium that can be used effectively - that is, with effective design methods - or, ineffective design methods." 

Despite it's possible misuse and overuse, PowerPoint is the standard 'go to' software though - in the workplace, and more specifically, in the classroom. There are over 500 million users and it holds 95% of the presentation software market. Reason: It's an easy way to tell a linear story, (a story that starts at point A, progresses through events which build toward a climax, finally reaching point B).


1. Very user friendly - technically, PowerPoint is simple to use.

2. Control - PowerPoint provides seemingly endless possibilities when it comes to slide design. You can choose from a multitude of colours, fonts, graphics and backgrounds.

3. Builds, transmissions and animations - you can use these visual enhancements to add to the explanatory power of the presentation and also enhance your visuals.

4. Hyperlinks - allows you to click on a link and be taken directly to the link's location on the web, or somewhere else in the presentation.

5. Syncronised with SlideShare - lets you upload your presentation to the web, so anyone can view it online.

6. Can print handouts of the slides - allows people to follow along without having to focus on writing notes during the presentation.

7. Charts and Tables - helps you present various types of data.


1. Linear format - PowerPoint follows a script, (linear) format, that is not easily adaptable to an audience when needed. Getting to a specific slide once the presentation has begun, can sometimes be problematic and can cause the whole presentation to become confused.

2. Large file size - PowerPoint can create really large files, especially when images, audio, and video are added. This can make emailing a pain.


Younie,S and Leask,M. Teaching With Technologies (2013) Oxford University Press

Garr Reynolds: Presentation Zen.

Thursday 4 December 2014


A Classroom Response System That Works Via Your Smartphone.

This is a tool that we tried in class. I think it's a fantastic way of engaging students who are obsessed with playing with their phones during lessons. Instead of being on Twitter or Facebook, they can instead be engaged in the class - via Socrative, which can be downloaded as a mobile app. 

This is a way of implementing the classroom response system without 'clickers'. Of course it does heavily depend on all students having access to their own mobile device, which my class do. However, the same rules apply; the success of using this tool depends wholly on the teacher creating effective questions that will test and engage the students, and support the learning objectives.

Here's how it works:

It's super simple to use and only takes seconds to login. It runs on tablets, smartphones, and laptops.

The students simply go to and type in the room number to enter the room. 



Monday 1 December 2014


Do They Aid Learning?

Classroom response systems, also know as 'clickers', are a set of hardware and software that facilitate teaching and learning.

Activities include:

Posing a multiple choice question to the students via an overhead or computer projector.

Each student then answers using a hand held transmitter (a 'clicker') that relays a signal attached to the teacher's computer.

Software on the teacher's computer collects the student's answers and produces a bar chart showing how many students chose each of the answer choices. This can be kept private to the teacher or it can be shared to the class.

The teacher can then make 'on the fly' instructional choices in response to the bar chart of student answers by, for example, leading a collaborative discussion about the merits of the students' answer choices, and by discussing the answer in small groups.

Some might say that multiple-choice questions can be rather limiting in testing knowledge, so the oweness is fixed very firmly with the teacher in choosing the right questions. This is of paramount importance in determining positive outcomes. This device will only work well if the teacher chooses the right questions. Specific, targeted questions can serve many purposes in class, including assessing students' higher order thinking skills. Questions can not only be used to assess students, but also to engage them, since effective questions are different to the multiple-choice type questions that typically appear on an exam paper.

Here are a few types of effective clicker questions:

Recall Questions: These ask students to recall facts, concepts, or techniques relevant to class. They can be used to check whether students have done the reading, remembered important points from prior classes, or have memorised key facts. These don't generally generate discussion and don't require high order( on Bloom's taxonomy) thinking skills.

Conceptual Understanding Questions: These questions go beyond recall and assess students' understanding of important concepts. Answer choices can be based on students' misconceptions , so these questions work well to identify and address those misconceptions. Asking students to classify, match characteristics with concepts, select the best explanation for a concept, or translate different ways of looking at an idea are examples of conceptual understanding questions.

Application Questions: These require students to apply their knowledge and understanding to particular situations and contexts. Application questions often ask students to make a decision; connect course content to 'real life' situations in a given scenario, implement procedures, predict outcomes, or even predict their peers' responses to specific questions.

Critical Thinking Questions: These questions operate at the higher level of Bloom's taxonomy, on the 'deep' learning level. They require students to analyse and synthesise relationships among multiple, and often abstract concepts, and make evaluations based on specific criteria.

Student Perspective Questions: These ask students to share their opinions, experiences, ideals and values, or demographic information. They don't have correct answers, but by surfacing various perspectives, they can help both student and teacher better understand those perspectives, which can generate rich discussion; particularly those questions that deal with ethical,legal, moral or religious issues. They can also help students connect their personal experiences to more abstract course content. The anonymity that clickers provide can be an essential ingredient in being able to ask certain questions.

Confidence Level Questions: Prompting students to assess and monitor their confidence levels in their ability to problem solve, can aid in their own metacognition.

Monitoring Questions: These types of questions provide the teacher with information about how each student is approaching their learning and their course. 

    I think these are great, and I can't wait       to implement them into my lessons.             The problem is that our college doesn't         have any of these devices. However,           smartphones can be used with                     applications like Socrative. I will look at       Socrative in my next blog. 

Teaching with these classroom response systems can  take a number of directions. Teachers must though, match the activities to the relevance of the course material, time constraints,learning objectives, and their own teaching styles.

Here are some other possible Clicker activities:

Attendance: Clickers can be used (especially for a big class) to take attendance directly, by simply asking students,"are you here today?"

Summative Assessment: They can be used for graded activities, such as multiple-choice qizzes or tests throughout the different stages of the course.

Formative Assessment: Clickers can be used to pose questions to students for the purpose of collecting 'real time' information about their learning. Students can then use the feedback to monitor their own learning, and teachers can use it to change how they manage their class in response to students' needs.



Younie,S and Leask,M. Teaching with Technologies (2013) Oxford University Press


Wednesday 12 November 2014


My journey into the technological realm of teaching and learning has proved (so far) to be exceedingly frustrating. I have spent hours simply trying to work out how to get this blog to look the way I want it to... to no avail. It seems I'm stuck with this layout. I dare not try and change it in case I mess it up entirely. For me, this process is one of trial and error, of just pressing buttons and 'having a go', and it is clear that I have a long way to go.

I am learning though. I was delighted with myself when I managed to upload an image for the first small step! I then managed(in my last blog) to do an online Mind Map, scan my own hand drawn bubble map and upload it, and I also managed to work out how to do a hyperlink. The problem is that it takes hours and hours just to do the simplest thing, and I'm not entirely certain that the links will even work. I have been reading all the necessary books, and trawling through educational websites to try and discover which ICT tools are available to use in the classroom, and how and when they can be implemented to the greatest effect.

Carnegie Mellon University Professor Herbert A. Simon, winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize in Economics, the A.M. Turing Award and the National Medal of Science and many other awards for his work in cognitive psychology and computer science, states," We must not use technology just because it's available. We must use it when, and only when, we can see how it will enable us to do the education job better." 

These are a couple of Ted Talks that I found I just have to 'embed' them (another term I now understand), as opposed to just creating a link, which is not as reliable because it is not saved on the hard drive. This means that if I ever wanted to show this talk on a PowerPoint in class, because the college computers run off one server, embedding means that it will be there when I go and look for it. We discovered this in class yesterday when we gave a presentation on Cognitive Theorists to the rest of the group.

Carol Dweck researches "growth mindset"- the idea that we can grow our brain's capacity to learn and solve problems. I'm a believer! I hope it doesn't take too long though - I need to get techi if I want to engage my students, but more importantly, I need to nail this blog by 22nd January, and I still don't know what 'labels' are for, how to change the headings, or how to get each post to follow on from the next, or how to display my profile or blog archive...? gulp!

This is taking forever to upload!

I have just been informed that the upload speed in our area is worse than shockingly slow, it's diabolical -  which is why I have been sitting here for 20 minutes,and still nothing's happened. Can't wait to get 'optical fibre connection'!! (whatever that is..?)

Half an hour later...still nothing!? (Plan B) I'll try and embed it directly from YouTube (share button)and see what happens..?

Whoops, I've just sent it to a separate blog post...Mmmmm??? That's because it wouldn't let me save it to draft, so I pressed publish. Try again... this time I'll just type in the url and do it via Blogger (add a video from YouTube)


Here's another.. David Pogue's Top Ten Tips for dummies (that's me) - Technology Made Easier. 

This experiential method of learning is a painful and time consuming process, but I think (Ihope) that I have just taught myself to embed a video.. now I'll have to publish it to see..fingers crossed!


Carol Dweck may be on to something!


Friday 31 October 2014


 I love mind maps. I use them all the time, and have done since I was a child. Creating a visual representation of a concept or theme is a quick and easy way of organising and connecting thoughts or problems. A visual map allows for a 'whole brain' thinking process: starting with the basic germ of an idea, concept or theme, leading to the synthesis of an abstract idea made manifest.Mind maps are great for problem solving, evaluating and recapping. A mind map can take you on a journey of discovery, putting things in context, and  allowing you to see the 'big picture' and the end result more clearly.

Of course, because of my incompetence with computers, I have never tried to use any of the on line digital versions of mind mapping tools, so I was interested to see how they would compare to my long and trusted (possibly primitive?) method of doing it by hand. The beauty of doing by hand is that it is instant and thoughts and ideas are spontaneous - thus allowing for maximum creative responses. Also, just the very nature of 'doing it yourself'; the actual physical process of drawing your own conclusions and ideas in your own way; in patterns of your own creation, allows for ideas and questions to flow naturally and intuitively on the page. This ,arguably, gives a more personal connection to the topic, which aids memory and enables deeper learning.

Hand drawn mind maps can range from quick scribbles that you do in two minutes, like these I did just to try and get my mind in order before starting to write this blog....(although all it did was confirm my confusion).

... to more creative maps, like this:

Tony Buzan has been credited for 'inventing' the mind map - he didn't, mind mapping or visual organising has been around for centuries.What he did was to take a well known technique and 'invent' a name for it, which he then trademarked and marketed very successfully through BBC programmes,books and lecture tours. The fact that you don't hear the term 'idea sunbursting', or 'bubble thinking' much anymore, but do hear of Mind Mapping all the time, is a tribute to his marketing skill and proselytising. 

On line Mind Mapping applications are big business! There are literally hundreds of different mind mapping applications available on the Internet. Some are free, but most are not. The market is flooded with them. When I tried wading through the Mind Mapping mindfield to try and discern which were worth having a go with, I quickly discovered, having researched which were regarded as the best via  and other numerous websites, that the best ones were not free and not cheap either. 

Amongst these were:

Inspiration 9



This is a sophisticated app endorsed by Stanford University, John Hopkins, U.C.C and Columbia Law School, which allows simultaneous collaboration from unlimited users across the globe.It allows you to embed videos and share them. EXPENSIVE! is free.. but you can see what I thought of it...

Follow this link to view properly

..not much! It's very dull! It's impossible to be free flowing. It's too static and clinical, and it doesn't allow for collaboration. 

Here's a better one:

Realtime Board
Good for on line collaborative brainstorming sessions. You can draw,work with images,post videos, write notes and comment on materials through the use of colourful post it stickers. It's not free, but there's a free education version..however that isn't quite as exciting.

This is slick - collaborative on line brainstorming activities. An unlimited amount of 'idea boards' for up to five people. On each of your stormboards you can include sticky notes, images, videos, drawings and word documents. It's simple to use, you just drag and drop - similar to Padlet Each item you add to your board includes a commenting option that allows fellow collaborators  (or class) to use for feedback on ideas. Great! - but not free.

This looks good - it has flashcards,quizzes, notes,a study planner, mind maps, PowerPoint and notes that will spring to life and play right before your eyes. I am definitely going to investigate this further for use in my pre GCSE English class. It looks great!

According to Petty (Teaching Today. A practical guide.4th ed.p.348) visual representations, like mind maps are " most powerful when made by the learner; quite powerful when carefully scrutinised by the learner with questions in mind; and only moderately useful when experienced passively. Ideally, there is an audience for what the learner produces." In other words, collaboration is required to get the best out of Mind Maps. 

If you can find the right on line digital collaborative tool that works for your class, then great ... but if you can't, you won't go far wrong with a roll of lining paper and a set of colourful pens to get the whole class involved in a creative, spontaneous and fun way to explore a concept or recap on a topic. Mind Maps have been around longer than computers, and although there are some great applications on line, the old fashioned way of just 'doing it' with pen and paper, or whiteboard and marker, will always suffice if you don't have enough money in the coffer or enough computers for collaboration in the classroom. 


Beatty et al (2006)

Petty,G.Teaching Today.A practical guide.4th ed.(2009)

Sunday 26 October 2014



                                       3  2  1  .......

I did it! I'm out there! I'm on air!

This is my very first blog (and my greatest technological achievement!) It is also the first of a sequence of blogs that will attempt to record my experiences and thoughts (good, bad and ugly) about the various uses of information technology that are available to be implemented in the classroom. I am about to embark on a technological voyage of discovery, but I am travelling into an unknown realm of which I have no confidence and zero understanding. I hope it will become easier as I learn to press the right buttons and navigate my way around this dreaded 'machine': easier too, I hope, than the journey I took to get here and write this....
( Bad and Ugly!)

                        Technology isn't hard - Change is hard.

I don't like being called a dinosaur or a technophobe..the truth is I just never learnt; I never needed to, until now. In the late 1970's, when I was in the sixth form, computer science was a brand new subject that didn't have any credence as a 'real' wasn't considered an academic choice like History or English or Chemistry. It was taken alongside subjects like Secretarial Skills and Horticulture..if only we'd known! I remember when 'The Computer' first arrived at our school. Everyone piled in to the new 'Computer Room' to have a look at this strange new beast. It was colossal! It looked like it belonged in Dr Who's Tardis. It took up the entire room; you had to walk around it. It had lots of flashing lights and bright buttons and it made very loud, unsettling noises when it was switched on...but, that was then, and this is now. The classroom has changed beyond recognition since I was taught from the blackboard and chalk, and "have you remembered yer text books?" approach. This is not an excuse as to why I am so technologically inept,this is just background: I need to catch up and switch on!

....but where do I want this journey to take me?


I'd like to think that these blogs are going to take me on a voyage of discovery to technical enlightenment. I'd like to be able to say at the end, that it has been an invaluable learning process. One that unveils; layer upon layer of truths (and non truths) about myself as a learner, as a teacher, and of 21st century teaching practises in general. I'd like to think that by the end of this journey, I won't be scared of technology; that I'll have the skills and the 'know how' to be able to create amazing, inspiring things with this 'machine' that, presently, hates me as much as I hate it. I'd like to be able to say," I'm a computer wizard!" or, "I can do it, I'll show you how."

This is just the beginning though, and for now.. this is me.

    ....but WATCH THIS SPACE!